Saturday, April 21, 2007

To further understand what Toby is experiencing

I was doing some Web browsing to educate myself (as I imagine all of us are doing this week). I found this story of hope on the St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital web site. The small boy had stage 4 neuroblastoma that had spread to his bone marrow. The tumor was the size of a football at the time of his diagnosis.

Here is a link to the video.



sonia hassin said...

thank you for the link of Jack's story. It gave me a lot of hope and helped me understand the procedure of the treatment. This was in 2002, imagine how much progress has been done since then, in a 5 year period of time...

FriendofToby said...

That's exactly what we're all hoping for. Every year, this stuff gets better and better.

mandypomella said...

I'm a friend of Greg Pannone. I just heard about Toby tonight and wanted to share another story of hope. In 1993, my 3yr old cousin (Charish) was diagnosed with Lymphoblastic Lymphoma with a tumor the size of an orange in her chest. She underwent 2 years of chemotherapy at Scottish Rite Childrens hospital in Atlanta. I am happy to report that today she is a very happy and healthy 16 year old. She plays rugby, makes straight A's and can't get off the cell phone. I wanted to post this because I can so clearly remember the days when we were so desperate and devastated. We were in shock for so long and I'm not even sure how we functioned. But, I want you to know that there is hope. Charish has been cancer free for 11 years. We all hold our breath each time that she has a check up and I suppose we will always have that feeling. Our close knit family and friends kept us strong during that time. So, I will be praying for you.
